Have You Embraced File Cabinet Theology?
Your pastors doctrinal statement is not in the church filing cabinet. It is in the pulpit.
What is File Cabinet Theology?
File Cabinet Theology (FCT) is the type of theology certain preachers have when they won't preach on certain doctrines or use key biblical terms that are essential to the Christian faith. If you were to ask them if they believed in such doctrines they could affirm they do but they would have to go to the file cabinet in the church office and not their sermon transcripts to show you. The doctrines affirmed in the file cabinet do not make it to the pulpit. FCT preachers are not generally considered outside the Christian faith but their avoidance of truths often goes undetected by the larger Christian audience. At best it leaves the church malnourished and at worst people don't find Jesus because they don't receive the full strength of the good news.Jesus and Paul were not FCT PreachersJesus warned his listeners of the danger of eternal fire, "where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched" (Mark 9:44). He pointed His people to search for the "narrow [eternal] path" that few find (Matthew 7:13-14). He said if you didn't believe in Him as the transcendent "I AM...you would die in your sins" (John 8:24). He used terms that called people to radical submission ("if you hand causes you to sin cut it off"), rejection of competing interests ("hating your father and mother"), the rise of false teachers ("many will come in My name") and even expelling professing believers who persist in sin from the community of faith (Matthew 18:15-20). The Apostle Paul stated that he "did not shrink back from declaring the whole counsel of God" in Acts 20:27. Even John the Baptist lamented that people would not be able "to escape the wrath to come" (Luke 3:7). These were the FCG preachers (the Full Counsel of God) and they didn't hesitate to hit on urgent, deep matters of eternal significance. In fact, these were the most frequent topics of discussion because they knew what people needed to hear was more important that what they wanted to hear.
Put Your Favorite Preacher to the Test
When was the last time your favorite preacher(s) sounded like Jesus, John the Baptist or Paul? When was the last time you heard the words "God's judgment," "eternal hell," and "repent?" Or sermons dealing with the exclusivity of Jesus, the roads to destruction that followers of Islam, Buddhism or Jehovah's Witnesses are on? Has your preacher challenged those who are living in a sexual relationship to break it off or get it right? If you can't answer with a confident "yes" you may be on a steady diet of FCT. Those who preach FCT are really prosperity-lite preachers. Their teaching is likely more pragmatic and man-centered than biblical. It functions like a therapy session or a 'God is here to promote your life' type of message than a clear, authoritative message drawn from careful study of God's word. One preacher's sermons were transcribed and after a word search what was found was that the words "repent," "repentance," "sin," "hell," "judgment" and the like were in his sermons ZERO TIMES! Even the name of Jesus was rarely spoken. Isn't that shocking? Those are clear, biblical terms. The search also discovered other words that pointed to the listener being at the center and were listener-centric hundreds of times like the word "you." God help us!
Change Your Diet
Have you been eating poorly from God's word through FCT? If so, it is times to change your diet. I would recommend a few things: (1) make sure your at a church where your pastor is preaching solid, biblical messages. He may not be as good as well-known preachers but he might be more biblical. Encourage him when he delivers a good message. (2) Try not to feed off of too many others preachers other than your pastor. These days people listen to 4-5 different preachers multiple times per week. This is because there is so much content available online. Back in the day this was not the case. You listened to your pastor and that was it. Today we hear from all kinds of people and we are being shaped in multiple ways and many times we listen without discerning what we are hearing. Maybe ask your pastor to recommend one other preacher to listen to. (3) Instead, read more from the Book, the Bible. Or, if you are reading multiple Christian books be sure your Bible intake is a priority as well. Some people read books about the Book and not the Book. It will never hurt you to get more Bible intake. You can replace other listening with hearing the Bible read. There are apps like Dwell or videos on Youtube that will do the job. File Cabinet Theology will not serve you best as you walk with Jesus. It will prevent you from digging a deeper well, forming deeper roots and keep you in the dark about eternal-destiny reversing doctrines that Jesus would want you to know and would want you to tell others. Refresh your sermon intake diet today and see the changes begin to take shape. You won't regret it!